Without their sacrifice, we could not have freedom. Thank You!
As time changes, people are forgetting the history and stay confused without knowing the direction. May God give us the sense of direction and guide us in His providence! We honor you for those who sacrificed for our freedom!
We should value our freedom by knowing the cost and see what kind of freedom we should pursue... not the reckless behaviors that dishonor those who sacrificed for this generation. Freedom is not doing whatever it pleases us, but be free with honoring the life of each other for his or her wellbeing.

Mr. Clyde Prestowitz explains the current event as an expert in economic analysis. He is the president of the Economic Strategy Institute and served as a counselor to the Secretary of Commerce during the Reagan Administration.
"Timely and thought-provoking. . . . An unsparing analysis of how Washington's elite fell into the grip of their China delusion."
—James Kynge, Financial Times
"Prestowitz doesn’t just point out problems; he offers a detailed, 25-page 'Plan for America.' An excellent comprehensive study from an expert on the subject."—Kirkus, Starred Review
We all live together on this earth; we must coexist harmoniously for the sake of humankind because we all are made in the image of God and should not see each other as an object. We must see each other with value and dignity from looking at ourselves in a mirror to look at others. Therefore, no one should use another human being for any selfish ambition or ill vision. We need to stop corrosive behavior for the greedy. Americans should recognize this coercive behavior of others and respond to it appropriately. I want to share why and how all these events are taking place.
Today, I would like to share realistic hope.
The purpose of sharing this message is to acquire some wisdom to change our destiny and bring a more hopeful state to America. But, before we get there, we have to assess the current status and plan appropriately.
Today is we are going to focus on assessment.
How will China take over the world in the name of Globalism?
We all are searching for the perfect love and afterlife. In 21 Century, love is defined as just chemistry in our brain. Eternal life is "Mind that can be downloaded in the Cloud" or immortal GMO human. Many are searching for the meaning of life in the wrong places, alcohols, drugs, sex and religions, philosophies, ideologies, theories, idols, religions, etc. But still lost... until we open the book, called "Bible" and start reading, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) When we experience the love of God, only then we know the true meaning of love and the true meaning of eternal life.